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Plumbing Services in Peoria IL

Bio-Clean Drain Cleaning Solution

on 854 Reviews

Bio-Clean Drain Cleaning Solution | Chemical-Free Drain Cleaner

What is Bio-Clean?

Bio-Clean is a special mix of natural bacteria and enzymes which digest organic waste found in your drain system and help prevent clogged drains. This organic waste includes things like grease, hair, soap scum, food particles, paper, and cotton. Bio-Clean will not digest inorganic material – meaning that it won’t damage your pipes like some popular drain cleaning chemicals. Bio-Clean is perfectly safe for people, pets, pipes, and the environment.

How Does Bio-Clean Work?

All animal and vegetable matter is eventually broken down and recycled into plant food by enzymes and bacteria. Bio-Clean uses the same principle to biodegrade any organic waste found in your plumbing system. The enzymes in Bio-Clean first break down waste like grease, hair, and soap film. Once broken down, the bacteria in Bio-Clean will simply have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner – maybe even what’s left of your midnight snack – until it’s gone.

Bio-Clean is easy to measure, mix, and use. It can be used to prevent the following:

  • Kitchen sink clogs
  • Lavatory sink clogs
  • Bath tub clogs
  • Shower clogs
  • Floor drain clogs
  • Laundry drain clogs
  • Sewer odor from septic tanks and drain fields
  • Grease trap odors
  • Sewage odor from ejector pump pit
  • Sewage odors from outhouses and cesspools
  • R.V. & Boat Holding Tanks
  • Odors from cat litter boxes

To start putting the natural, organic power of Bio-Clean to work for you, call or click here now. We’re always in the neighborhood. One of our technicians can stop out and drop off your supply. If  you prefer, we can ship it. A 2lb container is just $60 and should last a full year.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve your plumbing needs. For an expert Plumber in Morton, IL call us today at 309.691.8291

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Asked Questions

What plumbing services does Arnold Plumbing offer?

Arnold Plumbing provides a comprehensive range of plumbing services, including but not limited to leak repairs, pipe installations, fixture replacements, and water heater maintenance. Our skilled technicians are equipped to handle various residential and commercial plumbing needs.

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